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Machine Tools, Auto Ancillary Manufacturing Industry – Rajkot 

Machine Tools, Auto Ancillary Manufacturing Industry – Rajkot

Machine Tools Manufacturing Industry Rajkot

Rajkot city is one of the largest machine tools manufacturers in India holding its top position with Bangalore and Pune. Machine and machine tools manufacturing in Rajkot offers advanced and high-tech precision products to its clients with diversified attributes. The production facility of the manufacturer in Rajkot are well define with production durability, low maintenance cost, low production cost, better and corrosion-resistant material and metal with good tensile strength. Compare to other cities in India, Rajkot’s Machine Tools Manufacturing comes with competitive pricing.

For any industry, Machine Tools are the backbone. It defines the overall product quality and stability of the manufacturing system for any industry. Compare to a continuous slowdown in a few industrial and manufacturing sectors, the Rajkot Machine Tools industries are growing at a stable rate. Rajkot being the leader in conventional machine tools manufacturer in India also stands in the second rank after Bengaluru for its CNC machine tools industries. Rajkot City also leads to semi-automatic machine tools manufacturing which is needed in small to mid-segment industries. Rajkot provides machine tools and its semi-finished parts to entire Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal and few states of Southern India. There is nearly 500 plus machine tools manufacturer in Rajkot City and most of them are of small to the mid-size manufacturer.

Another reason why the Rajkot Machine Tools industry is growing with the times its adaptability of technology and accepting new things at an advanced pace. There was a time when conventional and lathe machine-based tools were in demand. But as time passes comes CNC technology, laser cutting of metal with higher precision and at a better pace that works wonders for the machine tools manufacturer of Rajkot. And to note Rajkot was quick to adopt new technology. Even post-laser cutting era, the industries have well-accepted the new water jet cutting technology for machine tools. Such technology not only increases the speed and precision in the manufacturing but also reduces a machine tools manufacturing cost at a large.

In a major achievement in the fight against Covid-19, Rajkot’s Jyoti CNC has designed and indigenously produced a ventilator. Which cost around one-sixth of the current market rate. To name it Dhaman-1, the ventilator was made available to the government hospitals free of cost.

Automobile Ancillary Manufacturing in Rajkot

Rajkot is an established market with lists of manufacturers of auto components and auto ancillary. Rajkot currently holds nearly 70% of the Indian market for auto ancillary manufacturing. Also, it has a big share into the export market. After achieving the top spot in the Indian automobile industry as a leading auto ancillary manufacturer, Rajkot is now eying a big share in the European market. Manufacturers from Rajkot are also regular exhibitors in Automechanika; the world’s leading trade fair organized at Germany for Automobile Industry.

Rajkot’s Auto Ancillary industry provides different goods to some of the automobile giants like Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Maruti, BMW, Ford Motors, Hyundai Motors India, Ashok Leyland, Honda Cars and more. Also, two-wheelers manufacturer like Hero Motors India and TVS Motors makes big purchases from Rajkot. The total business of Rajkot Auto Ancillary Manufacturing is more than 1000 crore and it holds around 10% of total product manufacturing in Rajkot.

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